“There is an instant
when the sculpture
comes alive.
After that moment,
it’s all finishing work.
Just like life.”
I am delighted and grateful that you have decided to spend a little time with us. We are so blessed to be stewards of this sacred space. We want very much to share the depth and breadth of what gets to be our lives and journey into consciousness. As much as sculpture has been part of my life for 40 years, the complete presence of nature is the force of my creativity.
Heavy hard rough. It hurts when I hit my shin or stub my toe. It is incredibly beautiful in it's natural state. Then sculpture births from the stone. A deeper soul beauty appears. Still stone and so much more.
Steel carbide diamond. The tools have a beauty of their own. The curves, the shapes, the edges and groves. One tool can break off chunks as I move inward. Another will take off a layer of stone leaving a flat plane. They can bruise or refine. It's all in the carvers hands.
Feminine feminine feminine. Hips, ribs, shoulder blades and breasts appear unplanned. The curves are so luscious. Perfect in natures way. Undulating and sensual rhythms in stone. Chipping stone is what I call it.
“...creating without possessing,
acting without expecting,
guiding without interfering...”
39 acres of native prairie grasses and wildflowers. We sowed most of the flowers by hand. Any time of day or night, the prairie is an experience to be discovered. When I walk the path through the prairie, I walk slowly and with intention. It changes every year and every week. In late July it was a sea of lavender bee balm. Two weeks later a total coating of yellow, as the golden rod bloomed from top to bottom. The prairie grasses are next as the seed heads gleam like melted gold in the late afternoon sun. Bobolink, turkey, hawk, and eagle all visit and feed. It's all just breath taking.
If you'd like to know about our vegetable gardens, come walking down our road. You'll find me playing with the plants or the soil. If you ask any question at all, I promise you, I'll respond. Then you are mine for the next 45 minutes as we take a trip into lasagna gardening. It's filled with 8-foot-tall tomato plants, fresh lettuce, beets and squash. Then the story of how we can eat fresh out of our Wisconsin garden 365 days of the year!
The prairie and the gardens each have a special place in our lives. Lake Winnebago holds the sacredness of water and sunset. As many nights as possible, everything stops for us and we go to the waters edge and drink in the sunset all the way to the horizon. It's a time to say thank you for all of these blessings. Experiencing the gift of great beauty at the day's end.